What Is A Smart Home?
A Smart Home Is...
A home equipped with lighting, heating, and electronic devices that can be controlled remotely by smart phone, computer or voice. Any number of devices that automate tasks normally handled by humans. Smart homes connect all the devices and appliances in your home so they can talk to each other.
How It Works
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The first step in this process is the Consultation. This is where we get to have a face to face meeting with you to discuss your needs. From there, we can work on designing a fully customized system that will check all of the boxes on your needs list.

The design stage is where the vision is created. Our goal and focus in designing your system is to create one that is easy to use but robust and reliable at the same time.

The ``Backbone`` of your Smart Home or Office. Without a good hardwired system, you won't have a good wireless system. This is why we put emphasis on having the right amount and type of wiring in the right locations to have that reliable foundation.

Our Industry and Manufacturer certified technicians begin to build out you customized system. This is where the wires are trimmed and equipment is connected so that everything can ``integrate`` and ``talk`` to one another seamlessly.

Your Smart Home is coming to life now. These are the finishing touches where we make it all work and also implement your customizations. We create these custom settings based on your personal preferences.

You didn't think we were just going to finish up and run on to the next one did you? No, when the system is all up and running, we'll be there give you some tutorials to insure that you're comfortable with your new system and how it works.
Check out our Separate Design As A Service